Introductory Physics for Life Sciences (IPLS) as a Diversity Course?

Is there a sense in which IPLS courses like Phys 131 and 132 here at UMass, are courses with diversity as a central component? A recent meeting of my Teaching for Inclusivity, Diversity, and Equity Fellowship which had Including Aspects of Identity in Course Design as the theme, got me thinking about this question.

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Toggerson Accepted to TIDE Fellowship

About the program

The TIDE (Teaching for Inclusiveness, Diversity, and Equity) Fellowship is an opportunity to “explore how they can enhance students’ learning and academic success across cultural, social, and learning differences by adopting a strength-based, inclusive approach to teaching and learning grounded in the value of diversity. Experiential, collaborative, and reflective learning are integral elements of the TIDE program.”

Toggerson’s Goals

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