This is a list of the publications from our group:
- B. Toggerson. Active Learning Techniques Using Low Tech Tools for the Large Classroom. USDA S1077 Multi-State Annual Meeting. Invited Speaker. September 2024
- B. Toggerson. The Importance of Computation in an Algebra-Based IPLS-I Course. AAPT SM24. Contributed Talk. July 2024.
- B. Toggerson. What is Physics? What is Math? A IPLS-I Course Braiding Several Threads from Pedagogical Research at Scale. AAPT SM24. Contributed Poster. July 2024.
- B. Toggerson. Mutual Mentoring in Developing an IPLS-II Course. AAPT SM24. Contributed Poster. July 2024.
- B. Toggerson. Discord as a Communication Platform. Mini-Webinar. College of Natural Sciences, University of Massachusetts – Amherst. May 5, 2024.
- D. Frykenberg, B. Toggerson, A. Calden. C. Ertl. Creating a More Equitable Introductory Physics Classroom Through Invitational Phrasing in Question Solicitation. arXiv:2311.11134 [physics,ed-ph]. November `8, 2024.
- B. Toggerson. 3-D Printing. Instructional Innovation Fellowship. IDEAS Group. University of Massachusetts – Amherst. May 24, 2023.
- B. Toggerson. Analog. Tools. Instructional Innovation Fellowship. IDEAS Group. University of Massachusetts – Amherst. April 28, 2023.
- B. Toggerson. Techniques and Tools for the Large Lecture. Workshop. University of Massachusetts – Amherst. January 19, 2023.
- B. Toggerson. A Second-Semester Introductory Physics for Life Sciences Course: Authenticity and Increasing Equity Through Invitational Phrasing in Question Solicitation. Physics Seminar. Mount Holyoke College. Physics Department. November 8, 2022.
- B. Toggerson. How You Learn. Freshman Colloquium. University of Massachusetts – Amherst. Physics Department. October 31, 2022.
- B. Toggerson, D. Frykenberg. Creating a More Equitable Introductory Classroom Through Using Invitational Phrasing in Question Solicitation. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Summit. Contributed Talk. October 7, 2022.
- B. Toggerson, D. Frykenberg. Creating a More Equitable Introductory Physics Classroom Through Invitational Phrasing in Question Solicitation. AAPT SM22. Contributed Talk. July 9, 2022.
- B. Toggerson. Centering Units on Biologically and Chemically Authentic Motivating Contexts in a Large-Enrollment IPLS-II Course. AAPT SM21. Invited Talk. July 2021.
- B. Toggerson. Perusall in a Graduate Student TA-Training and Professional Development Course. Contributed Talk. Perusall Exchange. May 21, 2021.
- Editors B. Toggerson, A. Philbin. Physics 132 Lab Manual: Understanding Data. University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries. April 30, 2021. ISBN 10: 978-1-945764-14-1.
- B. Toggerson. Wrapping Up the Semester Strong. Faculty Success Story. Center for Teaching and Learning. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. April, 16 2021.
- Zylich, Brian, Adam Viola, Brokk Toggerson, Lara Al-Hariri, and Andrew Lan. “Exploring Automated Question Answering Methods for Teaching Assistance.” In Artificial Intelligence in Education, edited by Ig Ibert Bittencourt, Mutlu Cukurova, Kasia Muldner, Rose Luckin, and Eva Millán, 610–22. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
- B. Toggerson. Adapting IPLS Materials for Large Enrollment, Algebra-Based, Studio Courses. AAPT SM20. Invited Talk. July 2020.
- E. Hansen, B. Toggerson. Ensuring student preparation using Pressbooks and the Edfinity homework system. AAPT SM20 Contributed Talk. July 2020.
- B. Toggerson, J. Shechter, S. Feyzbakhsh. Developing a GTA/GTO Training Program. UMass-Amherst Institute for Teaching Excellence and Faculty Development Diversity Lunch Talk. 26 March 2019.
- B. Toggerson. Building a Course, a Research-Based Overview. UMass-Amherst Physics Department Teaching Lunch. 8 March 2019.
- Editors B. Toggerson, E. Hansen. Physics 132: What is Light? What is an Electron?. 2019.
- B. Toggerson. Application of Active Learning Techniques to Upper Division. Led discussion. 5-College PER / UMass Physics Teaching Lunch. Amherst, MA. December 2018.
- B. Toggerson, C. Ertl, D. Nguyen, J. Shechter. AAPT 2018 Summer Meeting Teaching Lunch Report. Invited Presentation. Monthly Physics Department Teaching Lunch. Amherst, MA. August 2018.
- B. Toggerson. Exposing Physics Majors to Education while Supporting Studio-Style Courses. Contributed Presentation. AAPT Summer Meeting. Washington, DC. July 2018.
- C. Ertl. Creating Labs for Online IPLS Using IOLabs. Contributed Presentation. AAPT Summer Meeting. Washington, DC. July 2018.
- J. Shechter. Development and Implementation of a Graduate Teaching Assistant Training Program. AAPT Summer Meeting. Contributed Presentation. Washington, DC. July 2018.
- B. Toggerson. Transitioning a 300-person IPLS Course to Team-Based Learning, Physics 132: What is Light? What is an Electron?. Contributed Poster. AAPT Summer Meeting. Washington, DC. July 2018.
- B. Toggerson, H. Hatch, C. Ertl, P. Bourgeois, C. Church. Application of Team-Based Learning to a First Semester IPLS Course, Physics 131: Forces, Energy Entropy. Contributed Poster. AAPT Summer Meeting. Washington, DC. July 2018.
- B. Toggerson. Technologies Used in P13X. Invited Presentation. Innovate@UMass Symposium. Amherst, MA. May 2018.
- Editors B. Toggerson, D. Nguyen. Physics 131: Forces, Energy, Entropy. University of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries. August 31, 2017. ISBN-10: 1-945764-03-1.
- B. Toggerson, H. Hatch, C. Ertl, P. Bourgeois, C. Church. Application of Team-Based Learning to a First-Semester IPLS Course. Contributed Presentation. AAPT Summer Meeting. Atlanta, GA. July 2017.